Faculty of Languages and Literature Dari Department

Faculty of Languages and Literature 

Persian Dari Department 

The Department of Persian Dari Language and Literature has a standard system and provides services in line with national and international academic standards. It enjoys a high and quality position in the country and region. 


The Farsi Dari Department of the Faculty of Languages and Literature of Paktia University is one of the leading departments in the production and promotion of Persian Dari Language and Literature. Also, this Department is committed to respond to the needs of the society. Providing research advices to the community is one of the important missions and tasks of this Department.


Protection of religious, national, and cultural values 

Providing balanced and quality educational services 

Academic development and enrichment of the Department to be responsive to the needs of the society 

Using existing and effective educational opportunities to increase capacity of the academic staff 

Strengthing the culture of studying; also, extending research activities in scientific, literary and cultural fields 

Strong support for cultural, educational and scientific activities 

Respect and being accountable for principle of good governance 

Prevention of prejudice, administrative and moral corruption, and violence 

Creating good educational programs and opportunities 

Training of academic and professional personalities 

Having good and friendly relations with University and other national and international institutions on the basis of good intentions and cooperation