In honor of the opening of Kamal Khan Dam, four academic staff of Paktia University were presented under the importance of water and management

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۰/۱/۱۶ - ۱۳:۹

In honor of the opening of Kamal Khan Dam, four academic staff of Paktia University were presented under the importance of water and management. The beginning of the seminars was held by Qari Sakhi Jan with a few verses of the Holy Quran. Dr. Abdullah Ahmadi, the vice president of the University of Academic Affairs of the Open Speech, talked about the importance of water management and management alongside the participants. In addition, he said that Paktia University will also be national in the future. Presented academic seminars on wealth and will give public awareness about it. First Seminar: The first teacher in the presentation of seminars, Professor Mubasher (The value of water from Islam) presented a seminar under the title, which strengthens our relationship with Allah. When someone prays, he should first be with clean water. Let's take ablution, also purity is a part of faith, it is the water that completes our faith. Second Seminar: Professor Fazlur Rehman Haqyar (Water Saving Ways in Afghanistan) presented a seminar under the title. The seminar participated in how we can save water in everyday life, water use. They provided recommendations and information about it, to prevent water disinfection. Third seminar: Under the headline of (Importance and types of arthritis), the seminar was presented by the professor of engineering faculty, Seyyed Mir Agha Manavi. He gave full useful information about the benefits of lockdowns such as political, economic, social and.... aspects, and also discussed the types of dams, which are built in several ways and what kind of dams are needed in Afghanistan. Fourth Seminar: Professor Yousaf Khan Ziar (Water and Agriculture in Afghanistan) presented a seminar under the title of the amount of water available in Afghanistan, the resources of this water and how much use of this water in agriculture. Can be, provided full information. The evaluation of the seminars presented by Dr. Seyyed Wali Jalalzai, Dr. Seyyed Wali Jalalzai, the memorable seminars evaluated positively and usefully, thanked the teachers and organizers of the seminars and recommended to those responsible. In the near future more seminars will be held by university teachers and students. Hope to see a prosperous and successful Afghanistan.

تازه ترین اخبار

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۹/۲۲ - ۹:۴۳
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د پکتیا پوهنتون علمي څېړنو معاونیت اړوند عمومي کتابتون مسؤلینو له لوري د غزني تخنیکي پوهنتون د کتابتون مسؤلینو ته څلور ورځنی ورکشاپ دائر شو.


د پکتیا پوهنتون علمي څېړنو معاونیت اړوند عمومي کتابتون مسؤلینو له لوري د غزني تخنیکي پوهنتون د کتابتون مسؤلینو ته څلور ورځنی ورکشاپ دائر شو.

پنجشنبه د ۱۴۴۶ کال، جمادی الثانی میاشتې. . .

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۹/۲۲ - ۹:۱۰
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لوړو زده کړو زوارت نن ورځ ۱۴۰۳ هـ.ش، د لیندۍ ۲۱مه، چهارشنبه

لوړو زده کړو زوارت نن ورځ

۱۴۰۳ هـ.ش، د لیندۍ ۲۱مه، چهارشنبه

لوړو زده کړو وزارت

د لوړو زده کړو وزارت رهبري شورا د پرېکړې پر بنسټ د (۱۱) خصوصي تحصیلي نهادونو جوازونه لغوه شول، یادو. . .

چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۹/۲۱ - ۱۳:۱۲
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پکتیا پوهنتون کې د محصلانو ترمنځ د ورور ولۍ ترنامه لاندې د فوټسال ټورنمنټ فائنل لوبه ترسره شوه.

پکتیا پوهنتون کې د محصلانو ترمنځ د ورور ولۍ ترنامه لاندې د فوټسال ټورنمنټ فائنل لوبه ترسره شوه.

۱۴۴۶/۶/۷ پکتیا پوهنتون کې د محصلانو ترمنځ د ورور ولۍ ترنامه لاندې د فوټسال ټورنمنټ فائنل. . .