WARNING! The National Administration of Az Moino is planning to conduct biometric and examination of candidates for electronic ID cards in Paktia, Paktia and Khost provinces in Paktia University. That the biometric and distribution of cards of candidates in Paktia and Paktika provinces will be done. The biometric and distribution of cards of the candidates in Khost province will be on Thursday, 6th of Twins (Jemoza) at the meeting of Paktia University. In the hall and the examination will be taken on Friday on 7th of twin (joza) at Paktia University. All participants should be aware. --------------------------------------------- Announcement! The National Entrance Examination Administration is considering to take the examination of electronic ID card packages of the National Statistics Administration of Paktia, Paktika and Khost provinces at Paktia University, the implementation of biometric operation and the distribution of ID cards of candidates in Paktia and Paktika provinces on Wednesday, 5 Gemini And from Khost province on Thursday, 6 Gemini in Paktia University Hall, and the examination will be taken on Friday, 7th of the month of Gemini, the year of the year, the respected candidates should be informed. Administration.